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How do international students apply for St Andrews University scholarships?

I'm considering applying to St Andrews University as an international student and I'm curious about the scholarship opportunities available. Does anyone have insights on how to apply and what the requirements might be?

14 hours ago

St Andrews University offers a number of scholarships for international students. The process of applying depends on the specific scholarship you're interested in, but in general, you'll need to submit an application form online through the St Andrews "My Application" portal. Here's a little breakdown for you:

1. Step One: Do your research. St Andrews lists all of its scholarships on its website. Check which scholarships are available to international students. Each scholarship comes with its own set of criteria, so make sure to thoroughly read through to see if you qualify.

2. Step Two: Initiate your application process. If you meet the scholarship criteria, you can go ahead and start your application for the scholarship via their online portal. It will typically involve completing an application form and potentially additional materials such as essays or letters of recommendation.

3. Timings: Pay close attention to the deadline for scholarship applications. This might not align with the university application deadline itself. It's crucial to submit your scholarship application on time to be considered.

For example, there's the International Undergraduate Scholarship which is a merit-based scholarship of £4,000 per year. Other scholarships are the Gateway to Physics and Computer Science Scholarships and the F. E. McWilliam Scholarship. St Andrews also offers other country-specific scholarships that you might be eligible for.

In terms of requirements, they can vary greatly from needing to demonstrate financial need, having excellent academic achievements, or showing evidence of leadership skills.

Remember, competition for scholarships can be high so it's important to put your best foot forward and really highlight how you meet the scholarship criteria, whether that's academic achievement, commitment to your chosen degree subject or other specific eligibility requirements laid out by the scholarship criteria.

Refreshing the official St Andrews website is the best way to keep updated on the application process as they provide the most accurate and recent information.

14 hours ago

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