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Stanford University scholarships for international students?

I'm an international student planning to apply to Stanford University. Can anyone share what kinds of scholarships or financial aid are available for international undergrads? Any success stories or tips would be incredibly helpful as I plan my application!

16 hours ago

Stanford University is one of the few universities that offer need-blind admissions as well as need-based financial aid to international students, just like for U.S. citizens. This means that your ability to pay doesn’t impact your acceptance chances and if you demonstrate financial need, Stanford will provide a financial aid package to cover it.

The financial aid Stanford provides is entirely in the form of scholarships and work-study—they do not package loans in their aid.

In terms of the need-based scholarships, these are typically provided as part of your financial aid package. Stanford uses the CSS Profile to determine your financial need. You'll be expected to contribute towards your education, often through summer earnings, and if your parents are able, from their income and assets as well. But if your family has significant financial need, Stanford offers incredibly generous aid. Families with annual income under $100,000 will typically have an expected contribution of $0.

For work-study, Stanford does not differentiate between international students and U.S. students. If you're willing and able to work, you can secure employment via Stanford Student Jobs - jobs are available both on and off campus. Work-study will be part of your financial aid package, if you qualify.

Please note, though - you need to apply for financial aid at the time you submit your Stanford application. If you do not apply for aid when you apply for admission, you will not be eligible to apply for institutional aid in following years, so ensure you’re submitting all necessary financial aid documentation on time. Also remember, you have to reapply for financial aid each year.

Additionally, keep a lookout for external scholarships. Resources like Appily (formerly Cappex) can be helpful in finding opportunities. These scholarships may have separate applications and eligibility criteria, and they won't affect your aid from Stanford. Make sure you're researching these thoroughly and applying to all that may be relevant to you.

So, financial aid at Stanford is much the same for international students as it is for domestic students. Taking advantage of this generous policy can make the Stanford dream achievable! Good luck!

16 hours ago

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