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Scholarships for International Students to Study in Canada

I'm considering going to school in Canada as an international student. Does anyone know of any scholarships or financial aid opportunities available specifically for international students planning to study in Canada?

9 hours ago

For sure, there are several scholarships and financial aid opportunities for international students in Canada. Below are a few options you could consider:

1. University of British Columbia's International Leader of Tomorrow Award: This award recognizes international undergraduates with superior academic performance, leadership skills, and involvement in student affairs and community service.

2. Canada Graduate Scholarships (Master's Program): These are for Canadian students, but international students can also be considered. They are merit-based scholarships for students pursuing a master's degree in health, engineering, natural sciences, social sciences, or humanities.

3. Concordia University International Undergraduate Awards: Concordia offers a number of awards for international students, ranging from one-time gifts to four-year scholarships based on academic achievement.

4. International Entrance Scholarships at York University: These scholarships are available for international students applying to the first year of a full-time undergraduate degree program.

5. Carleton University Entrance Scholarships for International Students: Carleton offers partial scholarships worth $4,000-$16,000 over four years.

It's important to check the specific eligibility requirements for each scholarship, including the type of student they're for (graduate or undergraduate), the student's home country, and the field of study. Deadlines also vary, so keep an eye on those.

Lastly, don't forget to also check out resources like Appily for scholarship listings tailored to your profile. You may also want to check with the specific universities you're interested in, as many Canadian universities have scholarship opportunities for international students.

9 hours ago

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