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How Is the Pratt Institute Ranked?

As an aspiring design student, I'm looking into the Pratt Institute and am curious about its ranking. How does it fare in areas like architecture and design programs? Any current students or alumni wanna share their experiences?

14 hours ago

In terms of school rankings, the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, New York, is well-known for its strong programs in art and design. According to U.S. News and World Report's 2025 rankings for Best Graduate Schools for Fine Arts, the Pratt Institute is ranked among the top institutions in the country, proving its strength in the field.

Specifically for architecture and design, Pratt consistently ranks highly. As per Design Intelligence's rankings on America's Top Architecture Schools 2025, Pratt's graduate architecture program is highly ranked, further solidifying Pratt's sturdy reputation in these fields.

In terms of practical experiences, many alumni and students praise the school's facilities–particularly the studios, which they say are equipped with up-to-date tools and technology. Also, Pratt's location in a cultural hub like New York City offers access to plenty of internships and job opportunities in the design and architecture fields.

A piece of advice is to also look into the specific characteristics of the school and programs, as rankings don't tell the entire story. Consider the curriculum, the faculty, opportunities for research or internships, and the general campus culture to get a comprehensive view of what your experience would be like at Pratt. Research thoroughly, and try contacting current students or alumni for their personal experiences and insights.

14 hours ago

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