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Pre-law requirements for college students

Hello! I'm thinking about following a pre-law track in college. Can anyone tell me what the requirements are for pre-law students and any recommended courses I should take in high school to gain a solid foundation for this track? Thanks!

a year ago

Hello! Congrats on considering a pre-law track in college. It's important to note that pre-law is not a formal major or set curriculum requirements, but rather a track that prepares students for law school. Law schools usually don't require a specific major, so you can study any subject that interests you.

That said, aiming to develop strong analytical, critical thinking, and writing skills during high school is a good idea. Taking advanced courses like AP English, history, or social studies can prove beneficial. Additionally, consider joining a debate team or participating in speech competitions to develop your public speaking skills.

Once in college, consider choosing a major in the humanities, such as English, history, or philosophy, or a social science like political science or economics. These fields tend to emphasize the skills law schools value. However, students from other fields, such as engineering or sciences, can also pursue law school as long as they have developed strong analytic and writing abilities.

Don't forget to participate in extracurricular activities, internships, or volunteer opportunities related to law or public service. These experiences can help you build connections and gain valuable insights into the field. Good luck!

a year ago

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