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SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is a 23 on the ACT good enough for college admissions?

Hey all! I got a 23 on the ACT and I'm curious if this score is considered good enough for most colleges. What types of schools usually accept students with this score?

a year ago

Hi! A 23 on the ACT is a decent score that could gain you acceptance into various colleges. Typically, this score would place you above the national average, which is around a 20 or 21. Your chances of getting into selective or prestigious institutions might be lower, but there are plenty of good schools that accept students with similar scores.

As you research colleges, make sure to check out the middle 50% of admitted students' ACT scores. This range can give you a good sense of whether your score matches the profile of the typical admitted student. Many state universities and liberal arts colleges have middle 50% ranges that include scores like yours. Keep in mind that you should also consider other aspects of your application, such as your GPA, extracurriculars, and essays, when determining your chances for admission. Good luck!

a year ago

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