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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Does Juilliard offer scholarships for international students?

I'm an aspiring musician from outside the US and really want to apply to Juilliard. Are there scholarships available for international students? How competitive is getting financial aid, and what do I need to know before applying?

2 days ago

Yes, Juilliard does provide scholarships for international students. Financial aid at Juilliard is strictly merit-based. All accepted students are automatically considered for these scholarships; there's no separate application required. Need is not taken into account when awarding these scholarships so they are open to international students as well as students from the US.

The scholarships can range from several hundred dollars to full tuition, but full tuition scholarships are rare and highly competitive. You should note that these scholarships do not cover living expenses (housing, meals, etc.) and you'd need to plan for these costs.

In addition to Juilliard's scholarships, you can also search for external scholarships. Many organizations offer scholarships for international students studying in the U.S., so it might be worth exploring those as well.

As for competitiveness, it's worth pointing out that Juilliard has one of the lowest acceptance rates in the country, with only about 6% of applicants admitted each year. The limited number of scholarships available adds another layer of competitiveness, but don't let that discourage you. If you are talented and have a passion for your art, you have a shot.

Remember to put your best foot forward in your application. The audition is the most important part of your application. Review the audition requirements carefully and remember that this is your opportunity to show your unique talents and potential.

Good luck with your application! Applying to music schools is a considerable undertaking, and it's impressive that you're aiming for one of the top institutions in the world for performing arts.

2 days ago

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