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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Supportive Colleges for Students with Learning Disabilities?

Hi everyone! I have a learning disability and I've been searching for colleges that provide great support and resources for students like me. Do you guys know any schools that are particularly good in this area or have experience with this yourself?

a year ago

Hey there! It's awesome you're searching for colleges that cater to your unique needs. Many colleges have support programs and resources in place for students with learning disabilities.

In my experience, schools with strong disability support services often have a dedicated office and staff to help students with accommodations, tutoring, and other resources. Some universities, like Northeastern University, University of Connecticut, and University of Arizona, are known for providing exceptional support for students with learning disabilities.

It's important to research and reach out to potential colleges directly to learn about their disability support services. When inquiring, you can ask about the accommodations they provide, the available support programs, and how they liaise with faculty regarding your needs.

As you create your college list, be sure to prioritize schools that understand and can cater to your requirements—campus visits, if possible, might help you get a better feel for what each college has to offer. Ultimately, finding a school that fits you academically, socially, and personally will ensure the best experience.

Please don't hesitate to reach out to the school's disability support office directly with any questions or concerns. Remember, there are lots of resources and people to help you! Good luck on your college search!

a year ago

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