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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Prepping for SAT/ACT in 9th grade?

I just started high school and I'm wondering if it's too early to begin preparing for the SAT or ACT? Is it beneficial to start studying now, or should I wait?

a year ago

Hi there! Starting SAT/ACT preparation in 9th grade can certainly give you a head start, but it's important to focus on building a strong foundation in your core subjects first. The SAT and ACT are designed to test your knowledge and skills in subjects like math, reading, and writing, so concentrating on your high school coursework is an excellent way to indirectly prepare for the tests.

That being said, familiarizing yourself with the test format and strategies might be helpful, but don't stress too much about rigorous studying at this point. As you progress through high school, you'll develop better test-taking skills and understanding of the material, which will ultimately benefit your test preparation.

In general, the ideal time frame to start your SAT/ACT preparation is about 1-2 years before you plan to take the tests. This allows ample time to practice and get comfortable with the material without overwhelming yourself too early in high school. Best of luck in your studies!

a year ago

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