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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Applying to NYU: What SAT scores should I aim for?

Hey everyone! I'm seriously considering applying to NYU, but I'm not sure what kind of SAT scores I should be aiming for to have a good shot at getting in. Can anyone give me some insight on the average SAT scores for admitted students or any advice on how competitive my score should be?

a year ago

Hey! It's awesome that you're interested in NYU. When it comes to SAT scores, it's important to be aware of the general range that NYU admits. As far as I'm aware, the middle 50% of admitted students typically have SAT scores between 1470 and 1570. So, aiming for a score within or above that range would be ideal to be more competitive in the admissions process.

However, remember that colleges like NYU consider many factors beyond test scores, such as your GPA, extracurriculars, and essays. While SAT scores are significant, they're not the only aspect that matters. It's crucial to have a well-rounded application to showcase your potential as a student.

Final tip: if you're really interested in NYU, consider applying Early Decision, as it might boost your chances of getting accepted. Good luck, and I hope you achieve your goal of being admitted to NYU!

a year ago

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