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Can international students apply for Vanderbilt University scholarships?

I'm curious about the scholarship opportunities at Vanderbilt University for international students. Are there specific scholarships or programs I should look into? It'd be great to know if they're need-based or merit-based.

10 days ago

Yes, international students can apply for scholarships at Vanderbilt University. In fact, Vanderbilt is one of the few U.S. colleges that follow a need-blind admission policy for international applicants. This means your financial need doesn't impact your admissibility.

Vanderbilt offers several scholarships, including merit-based ones like the Ingram Scholarship Program, the Cornelius Vanderbilt Scholarship, and the Chancellor's Scholarship. However, it's important to note that these merit scholarships are highly competitive and require a separate application.

On the need-based front, Vanderbilt does provide aid to a limited number of international students who demonstrate financial need. To be considered, you must submit the CSS Profile by the stated deadline.

Keep in mind that financial aid at Vanderbilt is designed to bridge the gap between the families' demonstrated ability to pay and the cost of attendance. Aid packages typically consist of a combination of scholarships, grants, student work, and any potential outside resources.

Remember to stay on top of deadlines, as timely submission of your financial aid documents is crucial for securing aid. Make sure you read the application instructions carefully to understand how and when to apply.

Good luck with your application process!

10 days ago

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