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Medical research programs for high school students?

Hello everyone, I'm a high school junior and I'm really keen on getting involved in medical research. Do you know any programs or opportunities for high school students to gain experience in the medical research field? Your suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

a year ago

Hello! It's fantastic that you're interested in exploring medical research as a high school student. There are several programs out there that can provide you with valuable experience in this field.

A good starting point would be the Summer Health Professions Education Program (SHPEP), which offers a free, 6-week summer enrichment program in various healthcare fields. You can also look into the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Summer Internship Program, which provides hands-on research experiences to high school students at NIH facilities.

Another option is Research Science Institute (RSI) affiliated with MIT, which is a prestigious 6-week summer program offering research opportunities in biology, chemistry, and other science and engineering fields. Additionally, the Stanford Institutes of Medicine Summer Research Program (SIMR) is an excellent 8-week program for high school students interested in research, particularly focusing on biomedical fields.

Make sure to reach out to local universities, hospitals, or research institutions, as they may have opportunities for high school students as well. Also check out this CollegeVine article for more medical internship opportunities:

Good luck with your search, and I hope you find a program that's a great fit for you!

a year ago

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