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Tricky SAT Writing Questions - How to Tackle Them?

I've been having a bit of trouble with the hardest SAT writing questions. Can anybody recommend some methods or resources to help me improve my skills with these kinds of questions? I'm really aiming for a high score, so any advice would be much appreciated!

9 months ago

A great place to start your preparation is by using the resources offered by CollegeVine, which include a multitude of tools to help you excel in the writing, grammar, and reading portions of the SAT.

In addition to that, I recommend the following strategies:

1. Use official SAT practice tests to familiarize yourself with the question types and format. The more you practice, the better you'll be able to recognize patterns and anticipate what the test makers are looking for.

2. Break down difficult questions by identifying the specific grammar rule or writing concept being tested. Knowing these rules can help you eliminate incorrect answer choices more confidently.

3. Be aware of the common distractors and tricky wording choices used in SAT writing questions, for example when it is asking for an exception or which of the following does not apply. This can help you avoid falling for tempting but incorrect answers.

4. Time management is crucial. Aim to complete easier questions quickly, so you can allocate more time to tackle the harder ones.

5. Take advantage of online forums, study groups, and tutoring services if you need extra assistance.

Keep practicing and stay focused, and you'll surely see improvements in your performance on those challenging SAT writing questions. Good luck!

9 months ago

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