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UCI and UCL tuition fees – any significant differences?

I've been looking into University of California, Irvine (UCI) and University College London (UCL), but I'm having a hard time figuring out their tuition fees. Does anyone know if there's a significant difference between the two? Or if it's worth considering one over the other strictly based on the costs?

a year ago

It's important to note that UCI and UCL are situated in very different locations, as UCI is in the United States and UCL is in the United Kingdom. This fact alone can have an impact on tuition and fees. For University of California, Irvine, the estimated tuition and fees for in-state students for the 2022-2023 academic year is $13,922, while for out-of-state students, it is $43,546.

On the other hand, for University College London, international undergraduate students can expect to pay £21,110 to £41,340 per year, depending on the course. However, UK and EU students' 2022-2023 fees have been set at £9,250 per year. Keep in mind that currency conversions and differences in living costs should factor into your decision as well.

It is important to consider not just the costs, but also the programs, location, and other factors when deciding between UCI and UCL. Make sure to carefully review their websites for additional information, reach out to current students, and contact their admissions offices for any further clarification on tuition and fees.

a year ago

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