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Rice University Essay?

Hey, I'm working on an essay for Rice University and I'm not really sure what to focus on. For anyone who is a current student or has applied there, what would you say are Rice's standout attributes that I should consider including in my essay?

a year ago

Hi there! When discussing Rice University in your essay, it's important to highlight some of the unique aspects that make the university stand out. You'll want to go beyond things that can be found at many universities, like small class sizes.

For example, the residential college system is a central component of Rice's social environment and is much more distinct within the world of higher education. You may find it interesting to explore how the residential colleges foster a sense of community among students by serving as a home-away-from-home, organizing social events, and promoting friendly competition.

You could also reference specific clubs, classes, research opportunities, study abroad programs, and so on that are only available at Rice. Saying "I want to study English at Rice" is much too general, but saying "I want to take [specific English class] at Rice" will show admissions officers you have a clear, concrete vision of how you'd fit into their campus community.

Make sure to connect these school-specific attributes to your personal experiences, interests, or goals, as that will exhibit how your personal affinity to Rice differs from any other student's. If you want more detailed advice on how to do this, you can check out CollegeVine's breakdown of Rice's supplemental essays:

Finally, if you're still not sure if your essay is working, remember that CollegeVine offers both free peer essay reviews and paid reviews by college admissions experts. Sometimes getting a more objective set of eyes on your essay is exactly what you need to iron out those final kinks.

Happy writing!

a year ago

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