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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Vanderbilt vs Duke: Pros and Cons?

Hey everyone, I'm torn between applying for Vanderbilt and Duke as my top choices. Can you guys give me some pros and cons of each to help me decide? Your opinions would be super helpful!

9 months ago

Congratulations on considering these fantastic schools! Let's explore some pros and cons of Vanderbilt and Duke.



1. Smaller class sizes and strong faculty-student relationships.

2. Beautiful campus with a collegial, inclusive vibe.

3. Nashville is a vibrant and fun city with plenty of opportunities.


1. Limited school spirit compared to larger universities.

2. Greek life has a significant presence, which could be a pro or con depending on your preferences.


Pros: 1. Top-tier academic and research opportunities across various disciplines.

2. Strong sports culture and school spirit.

3. Excellent alumni network and connections to job opportunities.


1. Durham may not be as lively as Nashville.

2. Large campus and athletic focus can make it feel somewhat impersonal for some.

Both universities have unique qualities and strengths—neither is better or worse, the question is just what matters most to you. Is it location, size, culture, or something else? Figure out what your answer to that question is, and then figure out which school is more likely to give you what you're looking for.

Good luck with your decision!

9 months ago

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