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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Exploring STEM Careers

Hey! I'm considering a career in the STEM field but I'm honestly not sure what's out there or what I'd enjoy the most. Does anyone have any advice on exploring STEM careers or any resources that could help me figure out my future path?

9 months ago

Hi there! It's awesome that you're considering a career in the STEM field. There are a plethora of opportunities available, and it might be overwhelming at first to figure out what piques your interest. Fear not, as I have some advice and resources that I believe can be helpful!

First, start by considering some broad areas such as biological sciences, engineering, computer science, and math. Dive into those areas by perusing college course catalogs, scholarly articles, and YouTube playlists to gauge your preliminary interests. Be prepared to come across various degrees of complexity, but focus on understanding what sparks curiosity.

Getting hands-on experience is also essential. Look into volunteering or interning at research labs, tech companies, or local institutions. These opportunities not only provide professional insights but also help with networking and skill-building.

Online resources like Coursera, Khan Academy, and EdX offer free courses in specific topics, which can be valuable for further exploration. Additionally, CollegeVine hosts helpful resources on getting started in STEM.

Don't forget to leverage your network. Reach out to teachers, mentors, and current professionals in the field to have meaningful conversations. They can provide valuable insights into potential careers and their daily work.

Ultimately, be open to trying new things, and allow yourself the flexibility to change your mind along the way. Good luck exploring!

9 months ago

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