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SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is Neuroscience a good major for med school?

I'm interested in studying neuroscience, but I'm also considering medical school in the future. Is a neuroscience major a good choice for getting into med school, or should I pick a different major like biology or chemistry?

a year ago

A neuroscience major can definitely be a good choice for preparing for medical school if you're passionate about the subject material. Medical schools generally require certain prerequisite courses for admission, and a neuroscience major will likely include many of these, such as biology, chemistry, physics, and possibly some biochemistry or psychology courses as well.

It's important to remember that you don't have to major in a traditional natural science discipline to get into medical school. Some interdisciplinary majors, like neuroscience, can also lead to a successful medical career, provided that you complete the necessary prerequisites for medical school. As long as you excel academically and demonstrate a strong foundation in the sciences, medical schools won't restrict their consideration to specific majors.

Ultimately, the choice of major should align with your interests and goals. Focus on subjects that genuinely engage you and stimulate your intellect, as this will help you perform better academically and better prepare yourself for the challenges of a demanding career in medicine.

a year ago

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