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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Stanford acceptance letters: what are they like?

Ayo! Just trying to keep my hopes up (and already stressing lol). Can anyone tell me what the Stanford acceptance letters are like? Maybe a description, or any little details you can recall? It's always fun to imagine what it would be like to open one.

a year ago

Hey! Sounds like you're really excited about the idea of getting into Stanford. I can totally understand the anticipation! So, Stanford sends their acceptance news through an online portal, rather than physical letters. When you open the portal, there is a Really Big Congratulations banner at the top which is pretty hard to miss. There'll also be a small note of congratulations from the Dean of Admissions, welcoming you to the Stanford family.

In the same portal, you'll also find some additional information like financial aid (if applicable) and instructions for accepting your offer. Over the next few weeks, you'll receive even more information from the school via email, including housing, orientation, and enrollment details.

Wishing you the best of luck! Keep focusing on your goals, and hopefully, you'll open that portal to see a big congrats banner waiting for you. :)

a year ago

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