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Need advice for University of California essays

Hi! I'm a junior and I'm planning on applying to some University of California schools next year. For those that have gone through the process, could anyone share some advice or strategies for writing the UC essays? How did you choose which prompts to address? Thanks, all!

a year ago

Hey there! Applying to University of California schools is an exciting process, and those essays can play a key role in showcasing who you are. To start, read all of the prompts carefully and think about which questions would allow you to dive deeper into your experiences and share something unique about yourself. Don't shy away from being honest and genuine in your responses.

When selecting prompts, try to choose ones that will enable you to showcase different aspects of your personality, interests, and achievements. This will help paint a more holistic picture of your strengths and passions. Remember that quality matters more than tackling more prompts; focus on creating well-written essays for a few chosen prompts rather than spreading yourself thin.

As you write, make sure your essays are not repetitive and that they serve to complement the other parts of your application. Incorporate anecdotes and examples to make your responses more engaging. It's always a good idea to have someone else proofread your essays to get feedback and catch any errors.

Lastly, keep in mind the word limit (350 words per essay) and plan accordingly. You want to ensure that you answer the question sufficiently without going overboard. With conscious effort and perhaps several drafts, you'll be able to craft essays that leave a lasting impression. For more information on these prompts see here:

Best of luck in this process, and I hope this advice helps!

a year ago

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