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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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MIT Application Deadline, Fee, and Essays

Hello! I'm a junior and MIT is on my list of potential colleges. Can someone provide information about their application deadlines, fee, and any essay requirements? I'd really appreciate it!

a year ago

Hey there! It's great that you're considering MIT. To help you out with your query, here's some information:

1. Application Deadlines: MIT has two main application deadlines - Early Action (EA) and Regular Decision (RD). The EA deadline is typically around November 1st, and you'll receive your decision by mid-December. The RD deadline is usually on January 1st, with decisions coming out mid-March.

2. Application Fee: MIT's application fee is $75. However, if this fee would pose a financial burden, you can request a fee waiver. If you'd like to learn more about fee waivers, you can read up on them on CollegeVine's blog:

3. Essays: As for the essays, MIT has a few MIT-specific prompts. If you want to know how to tackle them, check out CollegeVine's blog post breaking down each one: Remember that MIT is not on the Common App, so you won't be submitting your personal statement that you'll probably end up writing for your schools that are on the Common App.

Best of luck with your college search and application process! Let me know if you have any other questions.

a year ago

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