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JHU ED2 acceptance rate?

Hey everyone! I'm considering applying to Johns Hopkins for ED2, and I was wondering if anyone knows the current JHU ED2 acceptance rate? I want to know if it's worth the early decision commitment.

a year ago

Hello! Johns Hopkins does not release specific acceptance rate data for their ED2 applicants. However, applying Early Decision (both ED1 and ED2) generally does increase a student's chances of acceptance when compared to the Regular Decision pool.

On average, applying ED can result in up to 1.6x greater odds of admission, or a 60% increase, but keep in mind that this is just an estimation, and changes depending on the school and the applicant pool. The ED2 acceptance rate is also typically a little lower, as some of the spots in the class have already been filled through ED1.

If you feel you're already a competitive applicant at Hopkins, and are excited enough about the school to make the binding ED commitment, then it may make sense to maximize your odds by taking the ED2 plunge. However, if you don't quite fit their typical accepted student profile, the ED2 boost alone won't get you in, or if you're not 100% sure about the school, applying RD and then weighing your various offers of acceptance in April may be a better path for you.

Best of luck, and let me know if you have any other questions!

a year ago

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