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Is joining NJHS worth it?

I'm thinking about applying for the National Junior Honor Society (NJHS), but I'm unsure of its benefits. Is it worth joining or will colleges not really care about my involvement in NJHS?

a year ago

Joining the National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) can be worth it for a variety of reasons, depending on what you're hoping to gain from your involvement. While it is true that NJHS participation on its own likely won't be a deciding factor for college admissions officers, there are still potential benefits from your participation.

First, NJHS membership speak to your academic achievements in your middle school years. Though colleges won't weigh your NJHS involvement heavily, they will appreciate your willingness to strive for academic excellence during this period, as it shows dedication to your studies throughout your life, not only when it "counts" for college admissions.

Second, NJHS involvement can open up opportunities to develop your leadership and community service skills. As part of the organization, you'll be expected to participate in community service projects, and you might even have the chance to take on a leadership role within the society. These experiences can be valuable for your personal growth, and prepare you to be a leader in your high school activities, which is something colleges will care about.

Finally, participating in an honor society like NJHS can be a stepping stone to building a strong foundation for similar honors programs in high school, such as the National Honor Society (NHS). Many colleges look positively on NHS membership, so getting involved in NJHS can be good preparation for that.

Overall, joining the NJHS can be a beneficial experience, even if it's not a major factor in college admissions. The opportunities for personal growth, leadership development, and community service are all worthwhile aspects that can enhance your overall educational journey and can have indirect benefits for college admissions.

a year ago

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