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Best music schools in Los Angeles, California?

I'm really into music and considering studying in LA. Can someone suggest some top music schools in Los Angeles, California? I'd love to know about their programs, campus vibes, or any standout features that make them unique.

3 days ago

Sure, Los Angeles is a hub for the music industry, making it a great place to study music. Here are some schools in LA known for their outstanding music programs:

1. University of Southern California's (USC) Thornton School of Music: This is one of the most respected music schools in the world, offering programs in various disciplines including classical music, jazz, scoring for motion pictures and television, studio guitar, and popular music performance, among others. A notable feature of this school is its proximity to LA's vibrant industry scene, allowing students access to opportunities not found elsewhere.

2. UCLA Herb Alpert School of Music: Besides its solid music programs, the school's endorsement by legendary musician and philanthropist Herb Alpert speaks volumes. UCLA offers a unique Ethnomusicology program, which combines musical and cultural diversity into one degree. It's great for students with broad musical interests that span global genres.

3. Colburn School: The Colburn School is a hidden gem among music schools. It offers an intimate, conservatory-like environment and a focus solely on music, dance, and drama. A very distinctive feature of Colburn is that it provides fully subsidized tuition, room, and board for all undergraduate students who live on campus.

4. California Institute of the Arts (CalArts): Known for a more experimental approach to arts education, CalArts offers a comprehensive music program that encompasses classical music, jazz, world music, and music technology. CalArts' innovative curriculum allows students to pursue their unique artistic vision.

Remember, each school has a different personality and focus. As you research, I encourage you to directly reach out to these schools or visit their campuses if possible. This way, you'll get a feel for which environment will best enable your personal and creative growth.

3 days ago

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