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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Where is LSU University situated?

I know a lot of people talk about LSU, but I'm not actually sure where it is. Is it in Louisiana or somewhere else? Thinking about applying and I'd love some info on the location and vibe!

8 days ago

Yes, you're right! LSU, short for Louisiana State University, is located in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Baton Rouge is the capital of Louisiana, and it's about an hour's drive from New Orleans.

LSU is known for its vibrant campus culture, which is intensified by the strong commitment to college sports, especially football. The community spirit is high, with the school's colors, purple and gold, often on prominent display. There's also a fair share of academic rigor, with notable programs in areas like business, engineering, and the biological sciences.

While on campus, you'd experience a mix of the old and new with some buildings dating back to the 1920s. Moreover, the campus is adorned with beautiful green spaces and live oak trees, which provide peaceful spots for studying or relaxing.

Outside of the academic and sports scene, Baton Rouge itself offers a dynamic social environment, filled with rich history, a thriving arts scene, music festivals, and culinary delights, including the crawfish and gumbo that Louisiana is famous for. Keep in mind that it's a part of the Deep South, so be prepared for hot and humid summers.

Overall, LSU provides an active student life, set in a locale brimming with Southern charm and culture.

8 days ago

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