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How to Write a 'Why Harvard' Essay?

I've been struggling to write my 'Why Harvard' essay. It's hard to find unique reasons for wanting to attend Harvard that haven't been mentioned in countless other essays. If anyone can provide some advice or examples of successful 'Why Harvard' essays, I would be really grateful!

a year ago

It's definitely a tricky task to come up with unique reasons for wanting to attend Harvard. When writing a 'Why Harvard' essay, it's important to dig deep and show your genuine connection to the school. Here are some tips to help you:

1. Research: Spend some time actually researching the unique aspects of the Harvard experience that matter to you. You can look at their website, connect with current students and alumni, or explore social media and blogs from students attending Harvard.

2. Focus on Specifics: It's important that your essay is specific, not just a generic list of items that could apply to any prestigious college. Identify programs, classes, professors, or projects at Harvard that truly excite you. By narrowing in on these details, you'll stand out from the essays that simply talk about the reputation and tradition of the school.

3. Connect to Your Personal Goals: When discussing Harvard's offerings, make sure you connect them back to your personal academic and career interests. Explain how the opportunities at Harvard will help you achieve your goals and reach your full potential.

4. Extracurriculars and Campus Life: You can also focus on the extracurricular activities and events that you would like to be a part of at Harvard. Show how your involvement in these activities will enrich your college experience and contribute to the overall campus community.

5. Share an Anecdote: If you have visited Harvard or attended any of its events, share a story that illustrates your fascination with the school. This personal connection can help make your essay feel more genuine and memorable.

6. Be Genuine and Honest: While it's important to show your enthusiasm for Harvard, don't try to inflate your interest in the school or misrepresent what matters to you. Keep your essay genuine and authentic to who you are.

To conclude, it's essential that your 'Why Harvard' essay emphasizes your personal connection to the school and how attending Harvard will help you achieve your goals. A focused, well-researched, and genuine essay will help you stand out among other applicants. Best of luck with your essay writing!

a year ago

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