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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Intramural Sports Definition?

I've heard of intramural sports, but not entirely sure about their definition. Can anyone explain exactly what intramural sports are and how they differ from other sports at school?

a year ago

Sure, I'd be happy to help clarify! Intramural sports are organized sports activities that take place within a college or university, primarily for fun and socializing. They're typically played among teams made up of students from the same school, and are separate from the varsity or club sports offered at the institution. The focus of intramural sports is on having a good time and promoting physical activity, rather than emphasizing competition and athletic achievement.

In comparison, varsity sports are the official intercollegiate sports teams of a college or university. They involve a higher level of competition, and participants often train and compete to represent their school against other schools in regional or national events. Club sports, on the other hand, are more of a mix between intramural and varsity sports. They often have higher levels of competition than intramural sports but are typically student-run and more accessible than varsity sports.

In summary, intramural sports promote a casual, fun, and inclusive atmosphere, while varsity and club sports have a stronger emphasis on competition and achievement. I hope this helps!

a year ago

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