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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is the August SAT harder than other test dates?

Hey everyone! I've heard a rumor that the August SAT tends to be harder than the tests on other dates. Is there any truth to this? Should I reconsider my test date or is it just a myth?

a year ago

Hi there! It's common to come across rumors about the difficulty of certain SAT test dates, but in reality, the College Board ensures that every SAT test is standardized and consistent in difficulty across all test dates. So, the August SAT should not be inherently more difficult than the tests on other dates.

To create a fair testing experience for everyone, the College Board uses a process called 'equating' that accounts for small variations in difficulty between different SAT exams. This means that even if one test may seem slightly more difficult than another, the scoring process compensates for that, so there isn't a significant advantage or disadvantage to taking the test at a specific time.

As for your test date, you should primarily focus on finding a date that works best for your schedule and studying routine. Planning your test date around these factors is more important than worrying about a rumored increase in difficulty. Stick with a date that allows you to adequately prepare and manage stress. Best of luck with your SAT!

a year ago

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