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Getting started on Virginia Tech essays: examples?

Hey everyone, I'm starting to work on my application for Virginia Tech, and I'm kinda stuck. Does anyone have any examples of successful Virginia Tech essays to give me some inspiration? Looking for stuff related to the Ut Prosim part as well.

a year ago

Hey! Working on the Virginia Tech essays is an excellent step in showing your interest and fit for the school. The Ut Prosim part is important as it reflects the school's motto, 'That I May Serve,' so it's good to focus on that.

CollegeVine can help you find everything you're looking for. Here are four strong essay examples by real accepted students, along with feedback on what works and what could be improved:

In addition, check out CollegeVine's guide that breaks down each supplemental prompt to help you write the best essays you can:

Finally, check out their article all about the "Ut Prosim" essay:

Make sure your essay reflects your personality and writing style. Focus on clear, concise storytelling, and connect the dots between your experiences and the values of Virginia Tech. By doing this, you'll be able to create a unique and engaging essay that will set you apart.

Best of luck, and remember to proofread and revise your essays before submission!

a year ago

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