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SAT: 720 math
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Engineering scholarships for international women in the USA?

I'm a female international student planning to study engineering in the USA. I've heard there are specific scholarships for women in STEM, but I'm not sure where to look. Does anyone have recommendations or personal experiences to share?

7 hours ago

Absolutely, there are many scholarships aimed at supporting women pursuing engineering in the United States. Let's go over a few notable ones:

1. Society of Women Engineers Scholarships: This society offers scholarships to undergraduate and graduate women pursuing ABET-accredited bachelor or graduate student programs in preparation for careers in engineering, engineering technology, and computer science. The amounts range from $1,000 to $10,000.

2. The BHW Group Women in STEM Academic Scholarship: This is for women intending to pursue a career in computer science, technology, or engineering. The scholarship includes both an award of $3,000 and an opportunity for a paid summer internship.

3. Palantir Women In Technology Scholarship: This scholarship is intended to support and celebrate women pursuing STEM studies. Recipients receive educational grants amounting to $7,000.

Please note that international students are indeed eligible for these scholarships, but the competition is often intense given their broad eligibility criteria. Hence, it's recommended that you begin the process early and submit well-considered applications. Remember, scholarships often examine more than just your academic record. Involvement in extracurricular activities related to your field, such as relevant clubs or organizations, can also boost your application.

Furthermore, you might want to explore university-specific scholarships for international students and women in engineering. Many U.S. universities offer attractive scholarship programs for international scholars, and your chosen institution might, too!

Good luck! Applying for scholarships can seem daunting, but your initiative to seek out financial aid is commendable. Remember, every bit helps when financing an international education.

7 hours ago

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