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Brainstorming ideas for my UC Berkeley essay!

Hi fellow applicants! I'm currently brainstorming for my UC Berkeley essay, specifically the one about the greatest talent or skill you have. I'm not sure how to approach this. Any tips on making my essay unique and impactful? I'd love to hear about your experiences and what worked for you!

a year ago

Hey there! It's great to see that you're working on your UC Berkeley essay. When it comes to the greatest talent or skill prompt, the key is to focus on an aspect of your talent or skill that is truly unique and reflects your personal growth.

Start by reflecting on your passions and interests. What are you genuinely passionate about, and how has that manifested as a talent or skill? Pick something that you feel genuinely connected to and have invested time and effort in, so your passion and dedication come across clearly in your essay.

Next, think about how this talent or skill has helped you grow personally or affected others positively. You could share anecdotes or stories that illustrate how your talent or skill has played a significant role in your life. Make sure to focus on the impact that your talent or skill has had—whether it be on you, your family, your community, or the world at large.

To make your essay unique, try to bring in personal anecdotes and experiences that showcase your perspective. Instead of just stating how good you are at something, share moments, emotions, and specific examples. This will help make your essay more engaging and memorable.

Lastly, don't be afraid to showcase your authentic voice and personality in your essay. The admissions officers want to learn more about you, so let your voice shine through.

For more tips on writing the UC essays, check out this CollegeVine article:

Best of luck brainstorming and writing your essay!

a year ago

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