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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What do engineering schools look for in an applicant?

So, I'm really interested in engineering, and I want to make sure my application is appealing to top engineering schools. What do these schools look for, and how can I improve my application?

a year ago

Hey, I'm glad you're considering engineering as a potential major! Top engineering schools typically look for students who demonstrate strong academic ability, particularly in math and science courses. Additionally, they appreciate extracurricular involvement that showcases interest in engineering or a related field. Here are some tips to strengthen your application:

1. Take challenging STEM courses in high school: While excelling in all your classes is important, doing well in subjects like physics, chemistry, and higher-level math courses can make a difference.

2. Participate in relevant extracurriculars: Join or even start clubs that relate to engineering, like the robotics team, coding club, or a math club. It's great if you can take on leadership roles too.

3. Consider participating in competitions: Compete in engineering, coding, or science fair competitions to showcase your abilities and dedication.

4. Prepare a strong personal statement: Write an essay that conveys your passion for engineering and how it relates to your personal experiences or aspirations.

Keep in mind that most colleges will also be considering the overall balance and uniqueness of your application, but these tips should give you a strong foundation. Good luck!

a year ago

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