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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Getting into Research Science Institute?

Hey y'all! I'm super interested in applying for the Research Science Institute, but I'm not sure how competitive it is. How do you think I can increase my chances of getting accepted? Thanks!

a year ago

Hey! I'm glad to hear that you're interested in the Research Science Institute (RSI). It is indeed quite competitive, as it attracts high-achieving STEM students from around the world. However, don't let that discourage you from applying!

To increase your chances, highlight any research experience you’ve already had. If you don't have any, consider joining a science club or finding a research project to work on at school. Demonstrating your passion for research will catch the attention of the admissions committee.

Also, strengthen your application by showcasing your accomplishments in STEM-- this can include participation in competitions like Science Olympiad or math contests. If you've presented at any conferences or published research, be sure to mention that as well.

Lastly, pay special attention to your essays and recommendation letters as they're great ways to highlight your interests and skills. Choose recommenders who can speak to your research capabilities and dedication to STEM.

All the best with your application, and I hope you get into RSI!

a year ago

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