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Best job application sites for high school students?

Looking to start applying for jobs but I don't know where to begin! Are there specific websites or platforms that are best for high school students searching for work? Recommendations would be awesome!

2 months ago

You're making a great move in assessing your options for job-hunting platforms. It's important to remember different sites may host different types of opportunities. Here are some platforms that high school students frequently use in their job search:

1. LinkedIn can be an effective tool even for high school students. It's not just for professionals. You can find numerous job postings, internships, and even part-time work there. It's also a great place to start building your professional network.

2. Snagajob: This platform is a good choice for hourly work, typically in retail, customer service, or food industry jobs. High school students can find part-time and full-time jobs on Snagajob.

3. Indeed: On Indeed, you can find a broad range of job types across many industries. It's a great tool for searching for jobs in your local area.

4. Glassdoor: Similar to Indeed, Glassdoor hosts a wide range of job listings and provides additional information on companies, including reviews from past and present employees.

5. Appily: If you're interested in scholarships and college, you might like Appily. It offers a job search function specifically for high school students.

Keep in mind that while these sites are great starting points, you may also want to consider looking at local businesses or organizations. Sometimes, smaller, local companies might not post on larger job platforms, so consider visiting their websites directly.

Good luck with your job search!

2 months ago

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