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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Thoughts on a 4.6 GPA and how it impacts college admissions?

Hey everyone! I currently have a 4.6 weighted GPA and I'm wondering if it's considered good enough for competitive colleges. How does this GPA usually fare in the application process? Any personal experiences are appreciated!

a year ago

Hey there! A 4.6 weighted GPA is definitely an impressive accomplishment and can be considered competitive for many selective colleges. However, it's important to note that colleges often evaluate your unweighted GPA and the rigor of your course load alongside your weighted GPA. Taking challenging classes such as honors, AP, or IB courses can demonstrate your academic abilities and willingness to push yourself.

Keep in mind that different schools use different scales to measure GPA, so it's a good idea to look into the specific requirements of the colleges you're interested in. Many (but not all) elite schools have average admitted GPAs of around 4.0-4.2 unweighted, but remember that admissions decisions can vary from student to student.

Moreover, college admissions is generally a holistic process, meaning it's not only about your GPA. Admissions officers will also consider factors like your extracurricular involvement, essays, recommendation letters, and standardized test scores (if required). Make sure to focus on showcasing your unique talents, passions, and accomplishments in other areas of your application as well.

In summary, a 4.6 weighted GPA is a strong component of your application, but remember to pay attention to other components, such as the rigor of your courses and your extracurricular activities. As for personal experiences, I've seen students with a similar GPA get accepted to competitive colleges when they had a well-rounded application, so. you're definitely on the right track.

a year ago

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