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Showcasing extracurricular activities on college applications

I'm working on my college applications, and I'm not sure how to effectively write about my extracurricular activities. Could anyone share their experience or suggestions on how to present them in a way that stands out? Thanks in advance!

9 months ago

Hey there! Highlighting your extracurricular activities can indeed make a big difference in your application, so it's smart to think about how to present them effectively. Here are a few suggestions:

1. Focus on your impact: Rather than just listing what activities you participated in, try to emphasize the impact you made through those activities. This could include specific accomplishments, initiatives you led, or positive changes you contributed to.

2. Show your dedication and growth: Colleges appreciate students who demonstrate a long-term commitment to their interests. If you have been part of an activity for multiple years, showcase how you've developed and grown over that time.

3. Prioritize your most significant activities: It's better to concentrate on a few activities where you were deeply engaged rather than listing numerous activities with little involvement. Remember, quality over quantity!

4. Use the Additional Information section: If you feel the standard Activities section doesn't fully capture your involvement in a particular endeavor, you can use the optional Additional Information section in your application to provide more context. Be sure to only use this section if necessary.

Remember to be genuine in your descriptions, and focus on illustrating how your extracurriculars have shaped you as a person. Good luck with your applications!

9 months ago

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