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Scholarship search in Florida for international students?

I'm curious about studying in Florida and need help finding scholarships for international students. Where should I start looking, and what are the main scholarships available in Florida?

5 hours ago

It's fantastic that you're thinking ahead about the scholarship search process as an international student interested in studying in Florida.

To find the scholarships that fit your profile best, you could use scholarship databases like Appily and Scholarships.com, both of which allow for targeted searches based on multiple criteria.

Speaking of the scholarships specifically designed for international students in Florida:

1. Florida International University (FIU) offers FIU College of Engineering and Computing Scholarships. It is available to both domestic and international students, regardless of residency status. The scholarship amount varies.

2. The American Student Scholarships at the University of Central Florida are awarded annually to students pursuing an automotive-themed major such as Engineering, Mechanical Design, and Auto Mechanics.

3. The American Association of University Women (AAUW) offers International Fellowships to women who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents. While not necessarily Florida-specific, these can be used at educational institutions within the state.

4. University of Miami has scholarships for international students like the President’s Scholarship and Singer Scholarship, which offer significant tuition waivers.

Remember to research each scholarship you're interested in and start applying as early as possible before the deadlines. In addition, keep track of all the requirements for each scholarship – such as maintaining a certain GPA, or completing service hours – to ensure you remain eligible over time.

Also, consider speaking to the financial aid offices at the Florida universities you are considering. They can provide you with resources and inside advice about potential scholarship opportunities you might not find elsewhere. Good luck with your search!

5 hours ago

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