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University of Miami scholarships for international undergraduates?

I'm planning to apply to the University of Miami as an undergraduate and I'm an international student. What scholarship opportunities are available, and are there specific requirements I should be aware of before applying?

4 hours ago

The University of Miami offers several scholarships to all incoming first-year students, including international ones. One of the significant ones is the 'President's Scholarship', which awards $28,000 annually. Then there is the 'Canes Achievement Award' which is reserved specifically for domestic students from underrepresented groups.

The 'Isaac Bashevis Singer Scholarship' is the most prestigious merit scholarship offered by the university to first-year students. It covers full tuition and is awarded to the top 1-2% of admitted students in the freshman class. It's highly competitive, and selection is based on a review of the academic credentials presented on the admission application—no additional application is required.

Also, there's the 'George W. Jenkins Scholarship' and 'Ronald A. Hammond Scholarship', both of which cover full costs of attendance, not just tuition.

Remember, international students are considered for these and other merit-based scholarships with no additional application. Your application for admission will be used to determine eligibility for these scholarships. The scholarships are renewable for all four years of study, provided you maintain the required minimum GPA.

Lastly, it's worth mentioning that the University of Miami considers all of its scholarships to be highly competitive—this means that they're looking for students who've truly excelled academically. To give yourself the best chance, you'll want to make sure your application showcases your strengths, achievements, and potential contributions to the university. However, please reach out to the university’s financial aid office for the most current information.

4 hours ago

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