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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Online college courses for high schoolers?

Hey everyone! I'm a junior right now, and I've been thinking about doing some online college courses to get a head start and to see what college classes are like. Does anyone have any recommendations or experiences with certain platforms or courses?

a year ago

Hello! It's exciting to hear that you're considering taking online college courses as a junior in high school. These classes can be a fantastic way to challenge yourself, develop new skills, and get a taste of college-level academics.

There are many platforms out there that offer college-level courses, but two popular and reputable ones are Coursera and edX. Both platforms partner with renowned universities, so you'll be able to find a wide range of subjects taught by experienced professors. The classes are often free to access, though you might need to pay a fee if you want to earn a verified certificate.

When it comes to selecting courses, I'd suggest you start by thinking about your interests and potential majors. You could use this opportunity to explore subjects that you might not have had a chance to take in high school, like Philosophy, Data Science, or Economics. Alternatively, you can choose to take a deeper dive into the subjects you're already passionate about.

Before enrolling, make sure to check the course's difficulty level and prerequisites to ensure it's suitable for your background and skills. Keep in mind that college courses typically demand a greater level of independence and self-discipline compared to high school classes.

Lastly, you can also try reaching out to your school counselor or teachers for recommendations based on your interests and academic goals. They may have additional insights on opportunities available to high school students.

I hope this helps, and good luck as you explore your options! Remember, this is a great opportunity to challenge yourself and learn new things, so don't hesitate to step out of your comfort zone.

a year ago

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