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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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High Point University details?

I've been looking into High Point University and was wondering if anyone has insights on the campus, student life, or anything interesting about it. What makes it stand out to you? Planning my college application journey soon.

3 months ago

High Point University, situated in High Point, North Carolina, is known for fostering an intimate campus atmosphere while still providing an expansive array of opportunities. The university invests heavily in students' success, as reflected in its various student success centers and project-based learning environment. On campus, you'll find a variety of state-of-the-art facilities, including a 4D theatre, multiple trading rooms, and even an on-campus bistro from where students get to cater events.

A great deal of attention is paid to 'whole education' at High Point, which means the university is committed not only to academic growth but also to interpersonal growth and career development. The university offers the 'President's Seminar on Life Skills', a unique program designed to foster students' soft skills and leadership abilities. It's also known for a 96% placement rate of students in jobs or graduate school six months after graduation, a testament to their commitment to career readiness.

Surprisingly, the allure of High Point goes beyond just academics. Nestled in a charming suburban setting, the university's campus is consistently recognized as one of the most stunning in the country. It houses a botanical garden, an arboretum, and several fountains which provide picturesque scenery.

Student life at High Point is also worth noting. With over 100 student clubs and organizations, students have a multitude of opportunities for involvement and leadership. Greek life is a significant part of the campus culture, with many students choosing to join fraternities or sororities. Furthermore, Division I sports offer plenty of exhilarating games and matches to watch throughout the year.

One more unique aspect is its "extraordinaire cinema," where recently released movies are shown to students for free. Let's not forget the campus-wide tradition of afternoon tea, a nod to the university's emphasis on fostering a community.

Hope these insights help as you plan your college application journey. While statistics and rankings do matter, it's also essential to consider the environment and culture of the institution, where you'll be spending the next few years of your life. Good luck!

3 months ago

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