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Background Information Essay Examples: What to Include?

I'm working on a background information essay for my college application, but I'm struggling with what kind of information I should be including. Does anyone have any suggestions or examples of what would make a compelling essay? Thanks!

a year ago

Hi there! Writing about your background in a college essay can be a great opportunity to showcase your unique experiences and perspectives. The key is to make sure your essay is both engaging and meaningful. Here are some suggestions on what to include in your background information essay:

1. Significant life events or challenges: Discuss events that shaped your values, outlook on life, or personal development. This could be a childhood memory, a family tradition, or a personal challenge you've overcome.

2. Your passions and interests: Show your genuine interests and how they have influenced you. Explain why these activities matter to you and how you plan to continue pursuing them in college.

3. Cultural identity: Share your cultural background and the impact it has had on your experiences, beliefs, and decisions.

4. A unique quality, talent, or perspective: Highlight any special skills or unique perspectives that set you apart from other students.

When writing your essay, remember to keep the focus on how these elements have shaped you as a person and why they're significant to your college application. Your storytelling and reflections should provide valuable insights to help the admissions committee understand who you are beyond your academic achievements. Good luck!

a year ago

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