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Great ways to start a personal statement?

Hey everyone, I'm trying to figure out unique ways to start my personal statement. I want it to stand out and catch the reader's attention. Do you have any interesting introduction examples that I could use as inspiration?

a year ago

Hey! It's always a good idea to start off your personal statement with something engaging and unique. Here are a few strategies for crafting interesting introductions:

1. Anecdote: Sharing a short, personal story that relates to the theme of your essay can create a strong emotional connection with the reader. Remember to keep it brief and relevant.

Example: "As my fingers raced across the keyboard, trying to keep up with my thoughts, I suddenly found myself locked out of my own computer. Little did I know, this frustrating incident would spark an unwavering passion for cybersecurity."

2. Quote: Using a quote can set the tone for your essay and provide context. Just make sure that the quote is relevant, meaningful, and not overused.

Example: Albert Einstein once said, "The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination." This quote has resonated with me throughout my journey in art and photography, both of which have pushed me to explore new perspectives in the world around me.

3. Question: Posing a thought-provoking question can immediately engage the reader and set the stage for what's to come in your essay.

Example: "Can a simple cardboard box truly change lives? For me and the children I taught during our school's annual STEM fair, the answer was a resounding yes."

4. Vivid description: Describing a specific scene or moment with sensory details can help immerse the reader and showcase your writing skills.

Example: "The sweet scent of fresh doughnuts, the rhythmic hum of espresso machines, and the chorus of clinking coffee mugs—this was the symphony of my childhood, as I grew up in the heart of my family's bustling café."

5. Contrasting ideas: Presenting contrasting ideas in your opening can grab the reader's attention and help illustrate a central theme in your essay.

Example: "Growing up in a military family, I reveled in the structure and discipline of our life, but my lifelong passion for dance simultaneously taught me the value of fluidity and freedom."

Remember to avoid cliches and make sure the introduction is a fitting representation of your overall essay. Good luck with your personal statement!

a year ago

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