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Examples of Intramural Sports?

I'm considering joining intramural sports at school but not sure what to expect. Can you guys share some examples of the types of intramural sports typically offered? Thanks!

a year ago

Hey there! Intramural sports are a great way to stay active and meet new people on campus. The types of intramural sports offered can differ depending on the college, but here are some common ones that you might find:

1. Basketball

2. Soccer

3. Flag football

4. Volleyball

5. Tennis

6. Dodgeball

7. Ultimate frisbee

8. Softball

9. Floor hockey

10. Kickball

It's worth noting that some schools may have a wider selection, including sports like badminton, table tennis, or even quidditch. Depending on the college, there might be different league levels available, from more casual to highly competitive play.

To get more information about the specific intramural offerings at your school, check the college's recreation or athletics website. There's often a dedicated section explaining the different sports and how to sign up. Hope this helps, and have fun participating in intramural sports!

a year ago

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