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What are QuestBridge's financial requirements?

Hi all! So I was wondering if any of you could help clarify what the financial requirements are for applying to colleges through QuestBridge. I'm not sure if my family's income is low enough to qualify, and I was hoping for some guidance. Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hi there! QuestBridge is a great opportunity for high-achieving, low-income students to gain admission to some of the nation's top colleges with full scholarship packages. In order to be considered for the QuestBridge National College Match, you must meet specific financial eligibility guidelines.

While QuestBridge doesn't have a strict income cutoff, most finalists typically come from households earning less than $65,000 annually for a family of four. It is important to remember that each case is evaluated individually, and some exceptions are made for families with extenuating financial circumstances (such as high medical expenses or multiple household members in college).

In addition to income, QuestBridge also considers other financial factors like family assets and the number of dependents in your household. If your family's financial situation is close to the $65,000 threshold, I still encourage you to apply because eligibility is determined on a case-by-case basis.

To get a better understanding of whether you qualify, you can use QuestBridge's Financial Eligibility Estimator on their website. This tool takes into account your family's income, family size, assets, and other factors to give you an idea of your eligibility for the program.

Remember that meeting the financial requirements is only one aspect of the application, as QuestBridge also seeks students with strong academic achievements and other accomplishments. Good luck with your application!

a year ago

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