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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Can someone explain need-aware colleges?

Hey everyone! I'm a junior looking into colleges and I've come across the term 'need-aware.' What does it mean, and how do these colleges differ from need-blind ones? Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

a year ago

Hey! It's great that you're researching about colleges in your junior year. To clarify, 'need-aware' colleges are the ones that take an applicant's financial need into consideration when making admission decisions. This means the financial situation of a student might have an impact on whether they're admitted or not. Colleges do this to manage their financial aid budgets and ensure they can provide aid to the students they admit.

On the other hand, 'need-blind' colleges do not consider financial need when deciding on admissions. These institutions separate the financial aid and admissions processes, so an applicant's admission decision would not be influenced by their financial circumstances.

It's important to keep in mind that applying to a need-aware college doesn't necessarily mean students with financial need will be disadvantaged. It's just one of many factors considered in the admissions process. In general, larger, well-funded colleges and universities tend to be need-blind in their admissions approach, while smaller colleges or those with tighter budgets might be need-aware.

To better understand a college's policy, it's always a good idea to visit the financial aid section of their website or get in touch with their financial aid office directly. Knowing whether a school is need-blind or need-aware can help you make informed decisions when applying to colleges.

Best of luck in your college search!

a year ago

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