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Finding a summer program in mathematics for high school student

Does anyone know of any highly reputable summer math programs for high school students? I'm passionate about math and want to challenge myself this summer. Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hi there! It's fantastic that you're looking to enrich your mathematical knowledge during the summer. There are a number of highly reputable summer math programs for high school students you can consider. Here are a few options:

1. MathPath – This is designed for middle school students who show high promise in mathematics. It's a 4-week summer program that hosts talented students from across the U.S. and beyond. While its target age range is slightly younger than high school students, its content might still be worth exploring.

2. PROMYS – The Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists (PROMYS) is a six-week summer program at Boston University, offering challenging and immersive study opportunities for talented high school students. This program focuses on developing mathematical reasoning and creativity, and the daily schedule contains lectures, problem-solving seminars, and individual research projects.

3. Ross Mathematics Program – This is a challenging 6-week math program held at Ohio State University. Students explore mathematical topics through daily lectures, problem-solving sessions, and faculty-guided independent study.

There are many more math programs out there, so don't hesitate to conduct further research to find the best one for you. For some more programs, check out this CollegeVine article:

Good luck on your mathematical journey!

a year ago

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