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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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UConn's Niche Ranking – What Do You Think?

UConn is one of my top choices, and I've been checking out its standing on Niche. Are their rankings and student reviews reliable? I’m aiming to get an honest insider perspective on the school's environment and academics.

14 days ago

While resources like Niche (now Appily) can provide a useful starting point in getting a feel for a school, it's important to remember that the reviews featured come from a variety of students, each with their own experiences and priorities. As such, they might not always reflect your exact interests or expectations. Essentially, different students will have different impressions of their college experience, and this can influence the rankings and reviews you see.

In addition to Niche, there are resources like CollegeVine where you can infer a general sense of a campus and its academic rigor from statistics and descriptions. However, for an "insider perspective", consider reaching out to UConn students or alumni. They can provide firsthand experiences, which gives you a more detailed and personalized understanding of what UConn has to offer. They can tell you more about the school's culture, typical student life, strength of your intended major, support services, faculty accessibility, and so on.

Also, check if UConn has online panels or webinars open to prospective students. These can be a great way to get a feel for the university without actually setting foot on campus. However, if you have the opportunity, visiting the campus personally allows you to experience the atmosphere, check out the facilities, and perhaps meet some faculty or students.

At the end of the day, while rankings can offer a general idea of a college's performance, your college choice should be based on alignment with your specific academic goals, financial factors, and comfort with the campus culture and environment.

14 days ago

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