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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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School year internships for high schoolers?

Hello! I'm a junior looking for internships during the school year. Are there any opportunities for high school students to gain real-world experience in specific fields while still attending school? Any ideas are appreciated!

9 months ago

Hello! Yes, there are definitely opportunities for high school students to gain real-world experience through internships during the school year. Here are a few tips and ideas to help you with your search:

1. Local businesses and organizations: Contact companies or organizations within your local area related to your field of interest. Many businesses offer internships or might be open to creating an opportunity specifically for a high school student, especially if you're able to showcase your passion and skills.

2. School-sponsored internships: Check with your high school's guidance office or career center to see if they have any established partnerships with local businesses or organizations for internships. They might have connections that can help you secure a position or point you in the right direction.

3. Online search: Websites like Internships.com, Indeed, and LinkedIn have internship listings specifically for high school students. You can refine your search by location or field of interest to find opportunities that fit your needs.

4. Networking: Reach out to family, friends, or teachers who may have connections in the industry you're interested in. Having a personal recommendation can sometimes open doors that otherwise might be closed.

5. Remote opportunities: Given the increasing number of remote positions, you might be able to find internships that allow you to gain experience from home, which can help with balancing school and work.

6. Create your own opportunity: If you can't find an existing internship, consider proposing an independent project or volunteer position to a local business or organization. Show them your passion and explain how your skills can benefit them.

Just remember to manage your time wisely between your internship and school responsibilities. Good luck with your search!

9 months ago

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