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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How's the Campus Life at Mizzou University?

I'm interested in attending Mizzou University and am curious about the campus vibe. How is the student life, and are there plenty of clubs and activities to get involved in?

5 days ago

The University of Missouri, affectionally known as Mizzou, is home to a dynamic and vibrant campus life. You'll likely find the environment both diverse and inclusive, with students from all corners of the globe bringing their unique experiences to shape the richness of Mizzou’s community.

When it comes to clubs and activities, you won't be disappointed. Mizzou has more than 600 official student organizations, running the full gamut from academic and professional clubs, cultural and identity-based groups, to service organizations and recreational sports clubs. You can participate in major college events like homecoming, which is a big deal at Mizzou, the university being known as the birthplace of this tradition!

Interestingly, the Greek life at Mizzou also has a considerable presence, with a fairly large portion of the student population involved in fraternities or sororities. If you're not into Greek life, no worries! It's certainly not a prerequisite to having a fulfilling social life. Many students enjoy participating in intramural sports, attending sporting events (Tigers football games are a favorite), or exploring the local town, Columbia, which has been recognized as one of the best college towns in the U.S.

On the academic side, there's a collaborative atmosphere, with many opportunities to engage with your fellow students within and outside your major. Also, the school is a public research university, so if that's an area of interest, there would be plenty of opportunities.

In short, Mizzou offers a wide range of campus and extracurricular experiences, catering to various interests, meaning you're likely to find your niche here.

5 days ago

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