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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Opinions on Community Colleges of Baltimore County?

I'm exploring the Community Colleges of Baltimore County as a potential option for starting my college journey. How is the student experience there in terms of academics and community engagement? Any tips on what to expect or programs to look into?

5 days ago

The Community Colleges of Baltimore County (CCBC) generally have good reputations in terms of their academic offerings and community engagement. The academics are often praised for being rigorous yet manageable, with a wide range of courses and programs to choose from. In particular, their programs in nursing, business, and computer science, for example, are known to be quite strong.

The class sizes at CCBC are usually small, allowing for a personalized learning experience and close interaction with the professors. Their professors have a reputation for being passionate and supportive.

As for community engagement, CCBC offers a range of extra-curricular activities. There are various sports teams, and a wide array of clubs and organizations catering to many different interests and hobbies. There's also a strong emphasis on community service, with many opportunities for students to volunteer in the wider Baltimore area.

Another significant advantage to consider is the affordability of CCBC compared to many four-year institutions. It can be a great way to complete general education requirements or earn an associate's degree, and then you can potentially transfer to a four-year institution if you are interested in continuing your education. CCBC has articulation agreements with many in-state and out-of-state universities, making transferring credits quite smooth.

However, like any college, the experience can greatly depend on what you make out of it. Make sure to take initiative, engage with the professors, participate in clubs or activities, and use all resources available to you. The CCBC also provides students with plenty of academic resources like free tutoring, career guidance, and more.

All in all, CCBC could be an excellent place to start your higher education journey.

5 days ago

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